Frau Antje Lehmann-Benz
Firma: Antje Lehmann Training + Consulting
Tel. Firma: +49 (1 76) 21 91 89 59
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Antje Lehmann-Benz is a trainer and consultant for project management and agile methods. She holds certifications with PMI and Since her time as Product Owner in software projects of internationally operating corporations and consultant in the automotive, fintech, and production industry, she has known the situations and challenges of project teams from her own experience. Today, she has made it her mission to “bridge the gap” between more classical and agile approaches. In her interactive training and coaching sessions, she teaches methods and tools beyond exam horizons, and is also covers aspects such as appropriate tools for teams. For over a decade, Antje has supported the Project Management Institute and its Germany Chapter on a volunteering basis, currently heading the Disciplined Agile Community of Practice. She has founded a Community for “Bridge Builders” in Project Management, and she is a regular author of PM blog articles, Podcast guest, and event speaker.
letzte Änderung: 08.04.2022 12:04